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Showing posts in the category To be replicated

Sustainable Fashion: From Verona to Parma, a Journey of Innovation and Inclusion
Too many clothes that you don't know what to do with? There are virtuous initiatives in Verona and Parma that contribute to reducing textile waste, promoting social inclusion and environmental sustainability.

Ashton Hayes: A small English village pioneering the fight against emissions thanks to the strength of its community
An English village of 1,000 people has reduced emissions by 40% since 2006 through sustainable practices and community engagement, inspiring over 100 other communities to follow suit.

Repair, Reuse, Renew: The Power of Repair Cafés
Repairing used objects in Repair Cafés is a way to promote sustainability and reuse, but also to create community. Here, practical skills are shared and bonds are formed between participants, promoting more responsible consumption.