
It is not easy at all but it can be done! Stories of those who already cultivate a culture of sustainability in the community, not without stumbles and difficulties: the beauty is in persevering and enjoying a shared result. Let us be inspired and motivated by their voices.


Gravatar Eleonora Mazzoli
Eleonora Mazzoli Studentessa Liceo G.D. Romagnosi Parma
Gravatar Pier Paolo Eramo
Pier Paolo Eramo Dirigente Liceo Classico e Linguistico "G. D. Romagnosi" di Parma
Gravatar Giuseppe Catellani
Giuseppe Catellani Coordinatore Piedibus Noceto
Gravatar Edmondo Gilioli
Edmondo Gilioli Resposabile coop. internazionale | CNR
Gravatar Giulia Peracchi
Giulia Peracchi Studentessa Liceo G.D. Romagnosi Parma
It is not easy at all but it can be done! Stories of those who already cultivate a culture of sustainability in the community, not without stumbles and difficulties: the beauty is in persevering and enjoying a shared result. Let us be inspired and motivated by their voices.

“Sustainability possible” gives voice to those who already cultivate a culture of sustainability, so that it can be a source of inspiration for others and motivate the community. With the guests, we talked about vision, ambition, opportunities but also difficulties.

It turns out that sustainability is often a valuable by-product of something else and that once the machine is set in motion, there is no stopping it!

It is not easy, mistakes are often made but, like all important things, determination and vision are necessary, which are repaid by the result shared with "others".

Taking care of "sustainability" means critical thinking, care, attention, listening, comparison, sharing, action.
Having the awareness of being a part of the whole and knowing that every single choice in our daily life has an impact on the world around us, now and in the future.

Let's not be discouraged by those who tell us it's too late.
Let us be inspired by those who, with concrete actions, show us that it is possible!

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