Parma | European Mobility Week

In Parma from 16 to 22 September. Many initiatives to promote sustainable mobility

It is scheduled to Parma, from the September 16th to 22nd, there European Mobility Week which was also joined this year by the Municipality of Parma . The slogan of the 2023 event is . “Change and go”, an explicit invitation to abandon the private car as a means of transport and to use environmentally sustainable means.

The ducal city, in fact, is one of the 9 Italian cities that intends to reach carbon neutrality by 2030. This also involves an activity of awareness, change of approach by citizens on the topic of mobility, increasingly resorting to sustainable forms of travel, walking, cycling, using local public transport and leaving the car at home .

The initiative was presented this morning, during a press conference, by Gianluca Borghi - Councilor for Environmental, Energy and Mobility Sustainability of the Municipality of Parma; Michael Ziveri – Sole Director of Infomobility Spa; Roberto Prada – President of TEP Spa;

Paul Rezoagli - President of SMTP Spa; Andrea Calestani – Fiab Parma – Bicinsieme; Andrea Mancini – Head of the Mobility and Transport Sector; Angela Clear – Area Mobility Manager of the Municipality of Parma.

Satisfaction was expressed by the Councillor Gianluca Borghi, who stated: “The European Mobility Week is packed with initiatives to promote sustainable mobility. It will also be an opportunity to reflect on the mobility of the future. An important conference is scheduled for Tuesday 19 September, a sort of general states of mobility in Parma, to which citizens, operators in the sector, and companies owned by the Municipality are invited. Under the direction of the Municipality, they will try to define the contents of the new PUMS – Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan – 2025/2035. In this regard, the Municipality has promoted an online survey to better understand what the wishes and concrete requests of citizens on the subject of mobility may be, an important opportunity to collect requests and suggestions, in view of the drafting of the new PUMS”.

Michael Ziveri – Sole Director of Infomobility Spa, and Roberto Prada – President of TEP Spa, illustrated the contributions that the two companies owned by the Municipality will give to the European Mobility Week. While Paul Rezoagli - President of SMTP Spa, he illustrated the role of coordination and planning of the public transport and supply network played by the company.

The week will be marked by initiatives, meetings, conventions, conferences, presentations of projects related to sustainable mobility, bike rides, surveys on mobility.

In the center, the conference scheduled for Tuesday 19 September at the Casa della Musica, starting at 9, “General states of mobility: towards a new PUMS”.

The Municipality of Parma is preparing to update its Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan 2025 – 2035 (PUMS) through the involvement of citizens and stakeholders with the launch of a participatory phase which involves the compilation of a short questionnaire on mobility, with the aim of understanding the needs of those who live, study and work in the city.

To give your contribution, simply fill out the questionnaire downloadable at the following link:

There European Sustainable Mobility Week is coordinated and promoted by the Municipality of Parma, with the involvement of various internal and external actors within the Municipality , including Tep Spa, Infomobility Spa and associations including Fiab Parma Bike Together,


Saturday 16th September.

Pedestrianization of various areas of the historic center . On the occasion of the events “Verdi Street Parade” and “Sulle Ali Dorate”. Organized by the Municipality of Parma.

V.le Maria Luigia - “Parking Day” free space all day long (two parking spaces will be used for initiatives promoted by Fiab Parma Bicinsieme and the Municipality of Parma). Creation of a new Parklet on 2 parking spaces. A way to raise awareness among young people and adults, in favor of reducing parking and using public spaces. By the Municipality of Parma/FIAB Parma.

9:30 - Presentation of the call: “Ombre In Centro” dedicated to the topic of school streets and school mobility with Councilors Francesco De Vanna and Gianluca Borghi, ARPAE, Environmental Ethics Center, University of Parma, Manifattura Urbana, Green Team Liceo Romagnosi, and Gruppo Change Liceo Ulivi

10:00 - Project presentation: Secure Links - bicycle database, with Councilors Francesco De Vanna, Gianluca Borghi and FIAB Parma

10:30 - Project Presentation: Solidarity Bikes with FIAB Parma, Emporio Solidale and Infomobility

11:00 - Project presentation: “Cycling for Inclusion”. Participants: Nicolò Tassi, ArteMigranti and FIAB PARMA

11:30 - FIAB road safety and bicycle dismantling activities . By FIAB

15.30 - Urban Cyclist Awards Ceremony. Following, presentation of the Bike Friendly Company Certification Project, promoted by Bike Food Stories and FIAB Parma

16.00 -18.00 - Shiatsu Activities . By Spazio Shiatsu Association. Yoga Activities . By Associazione Arbusto Blu APS-Il fermo di sughero

Sunday 17 September.

Falcone and Borsellino Park (Former Eridania)

3:00 PM - Parmainbici 8th edition and Bimbimbici 20th edition .

City bike ride : departure from Falcone Borsellino Park for Bosco Spaggiari, with a musical moment “Ciak, si canta!”. Musical journey through soundtracks and musicals - San Benedetto choir, Paola Bandini piano, directed by maestro Niccoló Paganini. Organized by the Municipality of Parma/FIAB Parma

Monday, September 18th.

Barriera Repubblica, Barriera Farini and Piazzale Santa Croce

07:30 - Passage detection bikes/scooters and cars/motorcycles towards the center. By FIAB Parma

Every day from 18th to 23rd September.

TEP ticket office Piazza Garibaldi, entrance to Via Farini

08:00-13:00 - Season ticket sales and renewals , ticket sales, information service. Counter accessible without reservation. By Tep Spa

10:00-18:00 - Recruitment campaign for new drivers . Information bus for access campaign to the profession of bus driver By Tep Spa

Tuesday, September 19th.

House of Music (Piazzale San Francesco) – Detailed program attached.

09:00 - Conference: General states of mobility: towards a new PUMS . Casa della Musica (see detailed program) Organized by the Municipality of Parma

Bizzozero Park (Bizzozero Street)

9:00 PM - Cycling for Inclusion. Nicolò Tassi tells the story of his journey from Amsterdam to Sarzana by bike with a fundraiser for the recovery and donation of bicycles. By ArteMigranti/FIAB Parma

Thursday, September 21st.

TEP Depot (Via Taro 12)

11 – Presentation of new trolleybuses.

Home-school routes

11:00 - Bike To School . A day to promote the use of bicycles on the home-school journeys. Organized by FIAB Parma

Cigno Verde Cooperative Headquarters (Via G. Belli 10/a)

3:00 PM - Public meeting within the "I giovedì della Cooperativa" review, dedicated to the theme of sustainable mobility, with a focus on energy saving. Curated by Cooperativa Cigno Verde

Friday, September 22. National “Bike to Work” Day.

Falcone and Borsellino Park (formerly Eridania)

08:00 - Group ride of SPIP/Barilla sector workers . Departure from Falcone Borsellino Organized by FIAB Parma

Garibaldi Square

17:00-20:00 - Sharing Mobility Day. All Parma operators will present the news regarding the use of shared means such as bike shsaring and car sharing. By Infomobility

Initiatives planned after the European Mobility Week

Saturday 23 September.

Falcone and Borsellino Park (formerly Eridania)

3:00 PM Pedaling for everyone at the SPIP sector on the occasion of the Verdi off. party. Departure from Falcone Borsellino Park. Organized by FIAB Parma

Sunday 24th September

Bizzozero Park (Bizzozero Street, 15)

08:30 Bike Ride to the Guatelli Museum with a stop, in the afternoon, at the Corte di Giarola for the Celebration of the twentieth anniversary of the Food Museums. Organized by FIAB Parma.

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