What can we do for peace?
Taking care of ourselves, others and the planet
“There is a way to transform our world. It requires that we recommit to caring for ourselves and others, accepting and rethinking our responsibilities for care, and providing sufficient resources for care.”
Joan C. Tronto
(political science professor, USA)
The IV National Day of Care for People and the Planet is a day dedicated to rediscovering the value of caring for ourselves and others, for the city and the planet in which we live.
The Municipality of Parma, in collaboration with the Network of Schools for Peace , has also joined this year's National Day for the Care of People and the Planet, promoted by Local Authorities for Peace.
The Week of Care is scheduled from March 1st to 7th. Teachers and students will live concrete experiences of care and collect testimonies in various care places in the city, including: Casa della pace, Emporio Solidale, Pozzo di Sicar, Wonderful World, Mensa della Caritas, Giocoamico, Digitarlo, Pozzo di Sicar, Il giardino di Virgy (Liceo Ulivi), Polo Universitario Penitenziario, Assistenza Pubblica, Il giardino dei Giusti (Istituto Giordani), Cav, Ambulance Veterinary, Casa accoglienza Santa Chiara.
For the occasion, the following were delivered to the classes of the schools present: Notebooks of care exercises, entitled “And I will take care of you” created by the pedagogical committee of the Network of Local Peace Authorities for all Italian schools in support of the educational activities that schools develop. The Notebooks represent a useful vademecum for young people regarding personal, global and social care.